Embracing Community
Theresa Polley
October 8, 2018
July 25, 2024
Be Inspired

At Retreat in the Pines we are a diverse community of women who come from different backgrounds and places. On the surface it may seem like we have nothing in common. But we have absolutely everything in common. We are connected by our common bond of what it’s like to be a woman in 2018.

Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much. ~Helen Keller

It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day minutia of life – the chores, the to-do lists, the schedules – and ignore not only our self-care but the human connection that is essential to our physical and mental health. Science tells us we need connection not only to thrive, but to survive. If we don’t take care of ourselves who will? As women, we MUST take charge of our self care. Only then are we able to serve our family, our friends, our country.

A Community of Women

After 14 years of hosting retreats, I’m inspired by each woman in our community. Women who show up for each other – online or in person. Women who aren’t afraid to speak their truth. Women who don’t take no for an answer. I’m so grateful to all the women who make Retreat in the Pines a community. Women who join us for a retreat (or several). Women who follow us online and dream of the day they will journey to the Pines. And our team – chefs, retreat leaders and women working behind the scenes; the women who make the magic happen at the retreat each and every weekend.

Meet Women at Retreat in the Pines

Women journey to Retreat in the Pines for a reawakening of their soul. We come together as strangers, and after a weekend of sharing stories and laughing together, we walk away with a sense of belonging, a reassurance of “I’m not alone in this” and new friends who hold and lift us up. Powerful stuff.

At Retreat in the Pines, you’ll meet women who prove you don’t have to do it all, to have it all. Find women who:

  • Lift you up.
  • Encourage you to leave the toxic behind and take care of you.
  • Inspire you take a leap of faith.
  • Share stories of courage and determination.
  • Shed tears as they tell of betrayal and heartbreak.
  • Show you there is no perfect body to practice yoga.

When you join us for a retreat, you’ll connect to these exact women. Our retreats aren’t limited to women who can afford it, if you or someone you know needs a retreat, but has limited financial resources, check out our Retreat Assistance Program.

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Theresa Polley

Theresa believes ALL women have the right to live life on their own terms. In 2004, she created Retreat in the Pines to give women a safe space to be their authentic selves without apology while finding the healing and renewal they deserve.

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All Women Welcome
No Judgments
No Expectations
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