Meet Our Team

For Women, by women

If you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, start at Retreat in the Pines. Find your community, make lasting friendships, rediscover you, and—most importantly—no matter what’s going on in your life, discover you’re not alone. As women we have many shared experiences in common. We have struggled with mental health issues, toxic relationships, job loss, grief, and more. We know you. We are you.

All of our retreat leaders are certified yoga teachers with at least three years of teaching experience and a handful have 20 years of experience. All of our private chefs have a repertoire of delicious and healthy dishes plus a passion for cooking.

Theresa Polley
Founder & CEO
Angelic Gabo
Retreat Chef
Cecilia Barham
Retreat Leader
Michelle Erby
Retreat Leader
Dayna Henderson
Retreat Leader
Denise Mei
Retreat Leader
Jan Hauk
Massage Therapist
Debbie Jaeger
Retreat Leader
Keitha Spears
Retreat Leader
Tarka Sullivan
Retreat Leader
Jennifer Wu-Ho
Retreat Leader

Retreat With Us

All Women Welcome
No Judgments
No Expectations
Join Us