Winter Solstice - A Time for Reflection
Press pause on all you're doing for others and instead prioritize you. Self reflection sets the stage for a fresh start in 2025.
As long as I can remember I’ve been fascinated by Summer Solstice - the longest day of the year and the beginning of summer. I remember as a child, looking out of my bedroom window thinking how unfair that I was in bed while the sun was shining!
As an adult, I recognize Summer Solstice as an opportunity to pause, reflect and redirect as needed. With all that’s going on in my life and in the world, I get caught up in panic and stress. This is a time to put aside anxiety and reflect on the first half of the year. Asking the question “Am I creating the reality I want?” If the answer is no, I have make the needed changes and move into the rest of my year. I want to create and live a life that I love.
You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. ~ C. JoyBell C.
Sometimes the difference between living a life that I love and living a life that causes me stress and anxiety is simply remembering to respond instead of react.
Just as Winter Solstice is a time to find stillness and reflect, Summer Solstice is the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves us. Habits, relationships, negative self talk, commitments, worry, the list goes on.
Get creative - Make a mandala with flowers, rocks or leaves. Take photos of what brings you joy. Allow yourself to be present in nature and your creativity will flow.
Lose yourself in the night sky - Take a moment alone or with friends to just take in the vastness of the stars and constellations. I know for me personally - one look at the sky or the ocean and I’m immediately humbled and grateful.
Let go of inhibitions - Dance, drum or sing and express yourself in a way that feels good. If you’re more comfortable dancing it out by yourself - have a solo dance party. Or gather with friends and allow yourself the freedom to do what feels good. Find what feels good for your soul.
Ground into nature - Practice yoga outside. Listen to a guided meditation while sitting on the grass (or a chair). Journal or make a list of what you’re grateful for while watching the sunrise or sunset.
Let that shit go - Intentionally release what you’re holding on to and what’s holding you back from creating the life you deserve. Letting go is powerful.
We offer our "Letting Go Celebration" at almost all of our retreats. It's an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you in an intimate setting, surrounded by women who support and encourage you. Let's face it - some of the things we habitually hold onto are heavy. Not only are they dragging us down, they're pulling us backwards.
Use the summer solstice as an opportunity to be a curator of your life. Cut out everything except what you love, what’s necessary and what makes you happy. Notice immediately how you feel lighter - ready to embrace the life you love.