Ask for Help - Here's How
Asking for help is an act of service
Let’s face it, at times life can be overwhelming. Finding balance may be a constant struggle as our life changes and the demands upon us increase.
The projects and commitments women undertake on a daily basis are impressive. There is work, yoga practice or workout, grocery shopping and preparing meals, keeping up the home – cleaning, repairing, etc. For moms, the list is even longer, phone conferences, doctor appointments, sports and other activities…and the list goes on. Is it possible to even find balance?
Realistically there may never be a perfect balance. However, here are a few ideas to make the juggling of all our obligations a little easier.
You don’t have to do it all. Sometimes, something has to give. Choose what you are willing to sacrifice. Identify what is a necessity and what is not. What commitment is mandatory, and which commitment can wait? The truth is, there is only so much time in the day and sometimes getting it all done is impossible. And that is okay.
There is nothing to lose in asking for help. If you can solicit the help of a willing friend, neighbor or family member…by all means, do it. It is okay to accept help from others, and there is a chance you will have an opportunity to return the favor. After all, we are all in this together!
Yep, that’s right! Sometimes we just have to do what is easy in order to get it all done. Save the Pinterest worthy Chicken Cordon Bleu recipe for another evening and tonight make a simple baked chicken and a side salad…or order in! At the end of the day, the goal was achieved. There’s no award for who worked the hardest.
If you find yourself pushing yourself harder and harder to get it all done and instead of getting it all done, you’re exhausted and stressed, it may be time to do things differently. Give yourself permission to delegate and take the easy way out. Give yourself permission to take time for yourself and enjoy an hour, an evening or even a weekend of self care.
Ultimately, the most important aspect of finding balance is managing the stresses of everyday life the best we can. In the midst of our busy schedules, we must take care of ourselves, first and foremost. It is essential to take a moment to refuel and recharge. Make time for the things that rejuvenate your spirit. Only when you take care of you, will you be able to accomplish all that you need to do.
Sometimes a weekend away is needed to find perspective. Join us for a weekend retreat to find balance, connection, homemade meals, gentle yoga, and more. Our retreats are the perfect place to take a break from the everyday commitments and renew your mind and body. Book an upcoming retreat.
This blog is intended to provide helpful suggestions for self care and overall well-being. I am not a mental health professional. If you’re struggling I encourage you to seek the help of a professional. Find a Mental Health Professional | National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988