Find Hope with Gratitude
Gratitude turns what you have into enough
I struggled for years with self-love. I'd internalized so much negativity - insults and name-calling from childhood and well into my adulthood. Although I believed women deserved respect and love, I didn't always believe I deserved it. There was also the feeling that I needed to earn it.
You too deserve love and respect.
Maybe it was trauma from childhood, a series of damaging relationships or something else, but acknowledging you deserve love and respect is the first step to getting it in your life.
It took me a long time to realize Loving Myself First meant I had to put myself and my needs above those of others. I felt selfish. I realized that NO it isn’t selfish to take care of yourself. If we are responsible for our actions, our thoughts and our words, doesn't it make sense that we are the only ones fully responsible for ourselves? Then we must give ourselves our full love and devotion.
Only by taking care of yourself, are you able to do all those things you want and need to do. We trick ourselves into believing if we eliminate “me” time we will have more time for other things. Running ourselves ragged leaves us exhausted, with neither the time nor energy to take care of anybody or anything. Eventually feelings of resentment start to come up.
"How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” ~ Rupi Kaur
Self-love begins with self-care. It’s learning to say no to things, so you can say yes to you. I’ve started these habits over the last few years. When I make my self care a priority, I not only feel better, but I'm able to show up in my life as the best version of myself. Once you get the self-care routine down, think about taking your self love journey a step farther by being intentional with your thoughts, your time and your energy.
It may be difficult at first, but know that, yes, there are 20 positive things about you!
I did this exercise several years ago and it was incredibly difficult at first. I had no trouble listing 20 positive things about everyone in my life. Just as I was taught to sacrifice myself for others, I was also taught to always see the best in others. I realized, it was just as important to see the best in myself. I try to do this exercise every few months. It reminds me of my self worth and to make myself a priority.
If you want to take your Love Yourself First journey even further join us for one of our Self Love & Acceptance retreats held throughout the year.
The journey to loving yourself is like anything else - it starts with baby steps and can be a few steps forward and just as many steps back. In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, "Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly."
This blog is intended to provide helpful suggestions for self care and overall well-being. I am not a mental health professional. If you’re struggling I encourage you to seek the help of a professional. Find a Mental Health Professional | National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988