Easy Chocolate Truffles
A decadent treat to enjoy with wine or a cup of coffee.
Oh, the incredible edible egg. Eggs are, by far, my favorite way to start the day. They make a nutrient-rich, protein-packed breakfast that keeps me satisfied well until lunch, plus they're one of those "brain foods" that are just really good for you. I know there’s a lot of confusion around whether eggs are “good” or “bad” for you, but this article does a great job of breaking it down and explaining it.
When I’m cooking for others the "Everything but the Kitchen Sink" Frittata is always my go-to. It works great because you can put anything you want in the frittata and it tastes good. You can find it on the menu for Sunday Brunch at our retreats - changes seasonally.
Get creative! I always love using leftovers in my kitchen creation: fajita veggies from last night, sausage from that BBQ place yesterday, sautéed mushrooms from dinner the other day. Don’t underestimate the power of leftovers!
May you enjoy Peace, Love, and Good Food!
PS. Did you see that Seattle made throwing away food illegal? Pretty awesome considering that over 40% of food is thrown away in this country. And as I heard in one documentary a few years back, “Food is life. When you throw away food, you throw away life.”
PPS. I don’t ever measure anything, I’m working on it. And I’m working on getting better at recipe writing. I’m continuing to work on refining my culinary skills (thanks to all your encouragement at the retreats. Use the ingredients you have and know that it will be delicious. Main goal: HAVE FUN and LEARN NEW THINGS.
Get creative! Try out different herbs, whatever veggies you have in the fridge, and experiment with different cheeses you find. Let us know what you create!