Living with Anxiety
Theresa Polley
March 21, 2022
July 25, 2024
Self Care

For years I told myself I didn’t have anxiety. I took full responsibility for depression, but in my eyes anxiety was represented by my mom, who had full blown anxiety almost every minute of every day. Since mine was different, I gave myself the benefit of the doubt and proudly told myself, I’m not anxious. 

I was in denial.

Even though I’d wake up in the middle of the night in a panic about this or that going on in my life unable to go back to sleep, until I “figured it out.” Ha. Basically exhausting myself with overthinking it to death.

Even though I experienced anxiety at every major upheaval in my life. Graduation from college into a work world that had just been clobbered by an economic crisis—I drank that anxiety away. Having children—I didn’t have as much time to think about it, but it certainly didn't lessen my anxiety. Divorce—anxiety through the roof. Custody of Mason at age 54—anxious and isolated (that was incredibly difficult). After I bought my first house—paralyzed by anxiety. The last two years have been a true test of managing my anxiety–I can feel it wanting to raise its ugly head at every drop of bad news (and there's been a lot of that!)–but I'm able to manage my anxiety if I pay attention.

Not everything that weighs you down is yours to carry. ~ Anonymous

Accepting My Anxiety

It was the realization that my anxiety had gotten the best of me that allowed me to start making changes in my life. Instead of letting my anxiety drive my actions, I had to take control of my life. In retrospect, not acknowledging how anxious I was certainly didn’t make things better and likely made my life worse. For years, I believed if I did the right amount of yoga and meditation, I could wrestle control of my life from anxiety. I told myself that lie for years.

What finally worked was acknowledging and accepting my anxiety. Not judging myself and thinking I was a lesser person. When my mind began to pull me into a line of thinking that I knew would cause me anxiety, I just stopped. Didn’t think about the who, the what or the why that was causing my anxiety. I certainly struggled with that, but when I succeeded in slamming the door shut on the thoughts that were making me anxious, there was peace instead of panic. If I wasn’t always successful in shutting that door, I gave myself grace and compassion when my mind went on a spiral. Mindfulness and the ability to stay present are my most effective tools against mindfulness. Thinking of the future and the long list of what could go wrong, will ALWAYS cause anxiety.

I started to realize I was weighing myself down with worries about all of the things going on in the world. So many things to worry about! Where do I even start?! My worrying about something doesn't fix anything. I can waste a lot of time worrying or I can say a quick prayer of peace to all who are suffering.

Tips for Living with Anxiety

Maybe you normally don't struggle with anxiety, but right now thoughts are coming at lightning speed and you are overwhelmed with panic. Maybe you have always had a low level hum of anxiety. These tips are for you.

  • Watch your thoughts - Awareness is the first step of implementing any change. Begin by watching your thoughts - without judgement - and when your thoughts begin to race in one direction or another, become present with your breath.
  • Acknowledge and accept- Once you become aware of your racing thoughts, the second step is acceptance. Accepting allows you to move forward. If you fight your anxiety in an effort to “control” it, you waste your precious energy on the fight, then have less energy to manage your anxiety.
  • Find the present moment - Tune into your body and notice how it feels. Listen to the sounds around you and notice where they come from. Touch your clothing and notice the sensation. Use these exercises to bring you back into the present moment. Once you move away from the present moment and start looking to the future or the past, you're extending an invitation to anxiety by opening the door to worry, fear, and second guessing your choices and actions. It's impossible to change what you've done in your past so give yourself the grace and compassion you deserve and move forward.
  • Respond instead of reacting - When a stressful situation comes up, your first instinct may be to panic or run or lash out. That is a reaction. When you pause and take time to assess how you are feeling (scared, wanting to avoid, helpless, etc), you’re able to respond to the situation in a different way. “Yes I feel scared, but is this situation a threat to me?"
  • Stop the “what if” cycle - Our brains can play an endless loop of horrifying consequences of our actions if we allow it. When you engage in that loop, you may be causing your body’s fight or flight response. Unless you really need to fight or flight, the constant cycling can wreak havoc on your body, weakening your immune system and cardiovascular system.
  • Immerse yourself in an activity - Choose an activity that will fully occupy your mind. Try to avoid screens. Get outside if possible. Move. Take a walk or a bike ride. Breathe. Color. Knit. Read. Meditate. Practice Yoga. Only you know what will keep you fully present. And as I tell my students in Yoga class, if your mind wanders (back to the anxiety), gently bring yourself back to your breath. It is that simple and that challenging.
  • Focus on what’s in front of you - When you’re in the present moment, responding to situations and living your life, there is no room for anxiety. The minute you leave your present moment, that’s when the anxiety monster will attack. Imagining all the different (usually bad) outcomes for what you’re experiencing. By staying present, you stop that before it even starts.
  • Compassion and kindness for yourself - I know it can sometimes seem easier to have compassion and kindness for others than it is to have it for ourselves. Know that you are just as deserving. You deserve forgiveness. You deserve a second chance. You deserve love and respect. Just as much from yourself, as from the loved ones in your life.
  • Know you're not alone - Look around you. Many people are struggling. You may not know it because they put on a happy face or they try and stay positive. We each manage our anxiety in our own way. And we're all doing the best we can.

My favorite way to break the cycle of anxiety is to step outside to take a deep breath, feel the sun on my skin and listen to the sounds of life in my neighborhood. Taking a moment allows me to press pause on my cycle of spiraling thoughts and find gratitude.

Living with anxiety can seem incredibly challenging, but denying anxiety can make the struggle even more difficult. When we allow ourselves to accept and make peace with our anxiety, we can take the first step towards healing. May you find the healing you deserve as you take it one breath at a time.

This blog is intended to provide helpful suggestions for self care and overall well-being. I am not a mental health professional. If you’re struggling I encourage you to seek the help of a professional. Find a Mental Health Professional | National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988

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Theresa Polley

Theresa believes ALL women have the right to live life on their own terms. In 2004, she created Retreat in the Pines to give women a safe space to be their authentic selves without apology while finding the healing and renewal they deserve.

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